What We Grow
At Twin Peaks Orchards and Orchard Delights we grow a diverse offering of seasonal orchard fruits. Our stone fruit season begins in Mid May with early peaches and nectarines, continuing on into late Summer with old fashioned varieties and new favorites. Our Fall season picks up late October with an assortment of small, thin skinned citrus, persimmons and more. We continue into the winter through the New Year with bright and flavorful larger citrus. All fruit is hand picked tree ripe, each tree harvested several times. No "strip picking" or "bin harvesting". Throughout our fruit season, "cosmetically challenged" fruit is sent to our on-site, state inspected processing kitchen to be turned into hand made jams, jellies, conserves, dried fruit and more.  Our fruit and value added products can be found at local and regional farmers markets, our seasonal farm stand, local grocery stores, partnering produce distributors and restaurants.